ANJA Presents: A Definitive Guide to Edibles
Kirill Satanovsky
February 06, 2023
Everyone who has experience with Cannabis has either themself or via a friend have had a terrible edible experience. The age-old "I don't feel anything, I'm gonna take another" has led to many overwhelming "bad times," including the notorious 911 brownie story.
For those looking for an alternative to smoking or vaping, edibles are one of the most popular and safest ways to consume Cannabis when dosed correctly. With recreational Cannabis booming in NJ, ANJA is here to help with a Definitive Guide to Edibles.
Quick Overview:
Edibles can affect people differently. It’s important to start with low amounts and be mindful of all of the factors that influence the onset, intensity, and duration of THC effects.
Factors that affect how quickly effects are felt and the curve of intoxication include the complexity of the food item, your personal Cannabis tolerance, how hungry/full you are, and your metabolism.
The type of edible has a significant impact as well: simple sugar-based edibles like mints, hard candy, or gummies, are the fastest to digest and typically hit the fastest.
1-2.5mg THC: mild relief of symptoms like pain and anxiety, as well as increased focus and creativity.
3-5mg THC: stronger relief of pain and anxiety symptoms, euphoria, and may impair coordination and alter perception.
10-15mg THC: effective relief for pain, nausea, and anxiety symptoms - however users will also experience impaired coordination and altered perception.
20-30+ mg THC: Warning: this is a HIGH dose of THC and will have very strong effects that are likely to include slowing down activities and altered perception.
ANJA’s Definitive Guide to Edibles
Unlike the rapid onset and peak of effects felt when smoking, Cannabis edibles have a delayed onset of effects and a gradual rise in intoxication. Moreover, different types of edibles have slightly different onset and peaks as well. This is because it takes time for your body to digest and metabolize edibles, whereas smoking or vaping releases endocannabinoids into your blood through the alveoli in your lungs- meaning the effects from smoking can be felt almost immediately. Factors that affect how quickly effects are felt and the curve of intoxication include the complexity of the food item, your personal Cannabis tolerance, how hungry/full you are, and your metabolism. Does it sound complicated and confusing? Well, no more!

As you can see in the graph, the same dose of edibles (10mg of THC) can have a wide range of effects based on those factors. Edibles metabolize significantly faster on an empty stomach: you'll start to feel the effects quickly (~15-45 minutes) and it will be more intense, but it won’t last as long (2-3 hours). I typically take edibles on an empty stomach or right before a meal so that the effects are more predictable. If you've just had a full meal on the other hand, it will take time for your body to digest and absorb the THC, and so the effects will be delayed (up to 1.5-2 hours), less intense, and last longer (up to 4-5 hours for higher doses). The type of edible has a significant impact as well: simple sugar-based edibles like mints, hard candy, or gummies, are the fastest to digest and typically hit the fastest. More complex edibles like chocolates, baked goods, or other infused foods take longer to digest and their effects usually take a longer time to be felt.
So how do you decide how much to take? Based on the team’s *anecdotal* experience, we’ve created this quick guide to help both new and experienced users make responsible decisions. Your results may vary, but we hope this guide helps you find your happy medium.
Microdose: 1-2.5mg THC
At this very low dosage, users will experience mild relief of symptoms like pain and anxiety, as well as increased focus and creativity. This is a good starting dose for first-time consumers, or regular consumers looking to microdose. Our recommendation is Cannabis Mints, which usually have low doses, and metabolize very quickly. As a regular Cannabis user, I would not feel this amount at all.
Low Dose: 3-5mg THC
A bit higher than a Microdose, these THC amounts will give stronger relief of pain and anxiety symptoms, euphoria, and may impair coordination and alter perception. This range is a good amount for standard recreational use or consumers seeking relief from persistent symptoms not addressed by smaller doses. It’s important to note though that a 5mg dose of THC can intoxicate some users, or be barely felt by others. Gummies and Hard Candies are a good choice for users at this level, as they can usually be found in 5mg doses and metabolize quickly. 5mg is the just noticeable THC amount for me.
Moderate Dose: 10-15mg
This is a significant dose of THC that will give effective relief for pain, nausea, and anxiety symptoms - however, users will also experience impaired coordination and altered perception. A Moderate Dose is for regular or high-tolerance THC consumers, and unaccustomed consumers should be careful as they may experience adverse effects. Gummies, Hard Candies, and moderate-dosage baked goods can be good choices for these doses, as many are in this range. This is the dose range that I typically take, usually on an empty stomach, to feel a good “high” that lasts ~3 hours.
Elevated Dose: 20-30+ mg
Warning: this is a HIGH dose of THC and will have very strong effects that are likely to include slowing down activities and altered perception. This level of THC is for consumers with a significant tolerance or for patients with decreased GI absorption. Chocolates and cookies often come in these higher amounts and could be a good choice. As a general rule, I would suggest not taking more than 20 mg unless absolutely sure, and not on an empty stomach as the effects will be very intense and can last for 4-5+ hours. I usually only take these amounts if I’m looking for a long-lasting and intense high after just eating a heavy meal.
Everyone is different and edibles can affect people differently. It’s important to start with low amounts and be mindful of all of the factors that influence the onset, intensity, and duration of THC effects. Cannabis edibles are a healthy alternative to smoking or vaping and can be a great way for users to have control over their intoxication levels through reliable dosing. Consume responsibly and have fun!
Was this guide helpful for you? Have a Cannabis Edibles story to share? We’d love to hear it! Post on social media and tag us @getanja on Instagram and @get_anja on Facebook.