ANJA Presents: How to Make a Squash Pipe
Ashley Robins
November 28, 2022
2022 has been unconventional. As November comes to a close and 2023 and becomes a reality, we at ANJA have decided to celebrate these changes and adaptations in the best way possible: creating unorthodox and replicable DIY smoking devices.
You may have previously seen our “How to Create a Pumpkin Bong” Blog and Instagram Post created this past October. For November’s edition, ANJA is proud to present: How to Make a Squash Pipe.
What is a Squash Pipe?
What Materials Will I Need?
How to Make a Squash Pipe:
How to Smoke a Squash Pipe:
What is a Squash Pipe?
A squash pipe is a twist on traditional spoon pipes. Specifically, it is an uncooked gourd/ squash of your choice that can be used to smoke cannabis. There are over 50 variations of squash (spaghetti squash, butternut squash, acorn squash…), feel free to select your favorite. With the help of common household tools, you can have your own personal gourd pipe. Your gourd will require a hole for the bud/bowl, a carb hole, and a hole for the mouth. Bring this bad boy to a party and you’ll be guaranteed to have the night of a lifetime.
Before we get started, a caveat: if you don’t have a bowl piece, make sure you have a watermelon scooper and some hand-eye coordination.
What Materials Will I Need?
You will need:
Ground cannabis
A Squash
A Corkscrew
A Screwdriver
A Hammer
A Bowlpiece (Optional)
A Watermelon Scooper (Optional)
A Chopstick (Optional)
How to Make a Squash Pipe:
Step 1: Wash the exterior of your squash
If you want to ensure your hands and clothes don’t get dirty, make sure that your squash is clean through and through. This will come in handy should you choose to decorate the bong later, and will ensure that you don’t accidentally inhale dirt.
Step 2: Create Your Holes
For your squash pipe, you will need to make three holes in total. The first two holes- the mouth hole and the carb hole- are universal to any DIY pipe. The final hole- where the ground flower will go- will depend on whether you have a bowl piece to use or not.
The Mouth Hole:
You will more than likely face some resistance when trying to penetrate your gourd. To get around this, use a corkscrew to twist a hole into the end of the gourd. Following this, use a chopstick or similarly shaped tool and a hammer to chisel your way into a hole. Don’t let your hole penetrate the other side of the gourd!
The Carb Hole:
Using the same technique as the mouth hole (corkscrew, chopstick), create a carb hole for your pipe. Your carb hole should directly cross with your mouth hole, like a 90-degree angle bend.
The Bowl Hole:
This is the trickiest hole to make. There are two approaches that you can take- depending on if you have a spare bowl piece or not to use.
With Bowlpiece:
Because you’ll need to create a wider hole for the bowl piece to fit in your gourd, a screwdriver is recommended for this. Simply chisel a hole into the largest, most practical part of your gourd. Try to ensure that the hole isn’t too wide- you want the mouthpiece to fit snugly so that the airflow is not interrupted.
Without a Bowlpiece:
Grab a watermelon scooper and get to work! Make a round scoop in the large part of the gourd- try to not completely hollow it out. When you can feel that you’ve hollowed out the bowl as much as you can without going entirely through to the hollow core, stop scooping. Use a toothpick and poke itty-bitty holes into your hollowed-out core. For reference, consider a colander; you want your bowl to easily hold all of the ground flower you put in it, but you want to ensure that airflow is possible when you light your bowl.
Step 5: Smoking your gourd pipe
The hard part is over. Now, it’s time to reap the rewards of your effort! Simply light the gourd in the same manner you’d light any other pipe. Tenacity is your friend here, it may take a few attempts to get a good pull. For most DIY products, it's the memory and experience associated with the craft that means the most; it's alright if your squash bong is not the best piece you've ever used. The important thing is that you had a damn good time making it, and a funny memory of getting to smoke it.